When you download the Windows 11 23H2 ISO using any one of the methods below, it should have the following details: Windows Edition 1 Windows 11 Home 2 Windows 11 Home N 3 Windows 11 Home Single Language 4 Windows 11 Education 5 Windows 11 Education N 6 Windows 11 Pro 7 Windows 11 Pro N 8 Windows 11 Pro Education 9 Windows 11 Pro Education N 10 Windows 11 Pro for Workstations 11 Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations Windows editions in Windows 11 23H2 ISO To begin, the ISO file contains the following Windows editions with the associated index numbers: Index No. What the Windows 11 23H2 ISO entailsīefore downloading the ISO, here are a few details that you should be familiar with which the Windows 11 23H2 ISO offers. In this guide, we will give a step-by-step guide on how to upgrade your systems to Windows 11 23H2, what it includes, and how to check whether or not it can be installed.
If you want to download the ISO image file, then that can be downloaded directly from Microsoft, or using the Media Creation Tool (MCT). You can upgrade to the latest Windows 11 version 23H2 from the Windows Update Settings page, or using the Upgrade Assistant application.